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METATRON REMOTE® Health Diagnostic Therapy System
Metatron Hospital Upgraded By Medicomat Ltd For Remote Mode


The Metatron system goes beyond mere speculation. It is backed by extensive clinical studies spanning several decades, solidifying its credibility as a class 2A medical device.
METATRON and NLS methodology are not just hypothetical remedies. They have been proven to work through numerous clinical trials and industry certifications.
METATRON IS CERTIFIED AS A MEDICAL DEVICE in both the EU and the US, ensuring its adherence to strict quality standards.

We hold the prestigious International Quality Certificate ISO 13485, which is the industry standard for manufacturers of medical appliances. This guarantees the highest level of quality in our products.
Additionally, we proudly display the CE mark, demonstrating our compliance with European Union standards on product safety to protect human health and the environment.
Furthermore, we have obtained the FDA mark, indicating our conformity to the Ministry of Health of the United States' rigorous standards on food safety, drugs, cosmetics, and medical appliances.

At Metatron, we not only provide exceptional products but also offer comprehensive warranty and post-warranty services. Our clients receive full technical and information support, ensuring their satisfaction.
With a full warranty service for 18 months, our clients can have peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected.
We also offer remote technical support, allowing our clients to receive assistance from our experts without leaving their location.

Moreover, we keep our clients informed about new products and software updates through regular notifications, ensuring they stay up-to-date with the latest advancements.
To support our clients' marketing efforts, we provide all the necessary advertising materials, enabling them to effectively promote our products.

As technology evolves, we continuously update our hardware and software. This ensures that our products remain at the forefront of innovation, incorporating new capabilities and standards. We also adapt our offerings to cater to different regions, ensuring their effectiveness worldwide.

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